El Camino Leader

May 19-24, 2020

6 Day Coaching program in the Navarrese Community.

Every year more than 300,000 pilgrims from all over the world walk different paths to reach Santiago de Compostela. The reasons that drive these people to begin this adventure are very varied, but all of them are eager to prove themselves capable of making an extraordinary effort to reach the goal. And, as the people who have already done it know, the goal is not at the end: “The same Way is the true goal…”.  For this reason, many of them repeat over and over again this same path in search of a constant personal improvement.

The program that we offer intends to take this personal improvement and overcoming also to the professional level: Following some sections of the old path of enlightenment, during two weeks we will also travel a path that will serve us for discovery and personal improvement.

With the help of experts in personal and professional development methodologies, all this will help us to focus and clarify our deepest concerns and will help us in the transformation and improvement we seek with this experience.

For Whom?

Executives, managers, teams and professionals who want to face challenges, rethink their professional career or develop some key leadership competence in the unique context of the Way of Saint James.

Why Come?

Unique Opportunities

The discovery of the Sepulchre of the Apostle Santiago in Galicia at the beginning of the 9th century opened one of the most important doors to personal and human growth in history. The spiritual and initiatory journey that millions of people have made throughout history has left us with some of the most remarkable cultural, artistic and social samples of humanity. And it has also left us with an accumulated knowledge of the human being at the disposal of anyone who wants, without fear, to immerse themselves in it.

Improving Skills

Usually we have a perfectly predictable day-to-day. Precisely because of this, when a stress situation arises we run the risk of blocking ourselves, being paralyzed without knowing what to do, how to react, how to manage conflicting and unpleasant emotions, how to measure response times, how to receive a setback without it wobbling all our lives… The Way, far from your comfort zone and subject to controlled stress, is a privileged course for discovering those skills that you also have and learning to use them to your advantage. You just have to let yourself go.

Personal Growth

Have you ever wondered what your limit is? How much can you give? How much do you have in terms of endurance, mental power, self-esteem, courage, decision…? Every step on the way is an open question, ready to be explored. Listen to yourself, listen to what your body, your head, your heart tell you and learn to use them to reach the goal you have set for yourself.

Building Connections

The Way unites: it unites the disparate, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the Far East and the Far West, the hot and the cold. It unites those who walk for sport, those who walk to reflect on their lives, those who walk in search of something transcendental… It unites those who walk fast with those who walk slow. To the nervous person with the reflective one… And makes curious families in which you learn to take care of the other as you like to be taken care of. To be attentive to what happens to us, in which giving and receiving affection is a daily and natural gesture… These relationships are not forgotten. They are open doors for the future. Open doors for you.

Discover the power of El Camino de Santiago

For the travellers of the Middle Ages, to go out on the road was to ‘put oneself in the hands of providence’, to let oneself be modelled by a superior mystical force that would give or take away at every moment what was left over or what you needed. That power is what the Way of Saint James has. It forms your character at every step, makes you aware of what you need and what you could have left over. Then, you choose.

Learning From Best

More than a thousand years of life experiences are stored in each step of the Way of Saint James. Millions of people have walked its paths, suffered in them, loved, laughed, cried, sighed… All these experiences are treasures, tools that we keep for you with those who know them best, ready to use them to help you in your purposes.


May 19-24

6 Days

May 19-24

Roncesvalles – Viana

October 12


April 25-26

Roncesvalles – Pamplona

May 9-10

Pamplona – Estella

May 30-31

Estella – Viana

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